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Jan. 11, 2022

078 - A Fish (And A Woman) Called Wanda

Sarah shows Brandon “A Fish Called Wanda” from 19-frickin’-88! They discuss whether the movie holds up after all these years. Hint: It’s mostly a “yes,” except for the 80s sax.

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Dec. 14, 2021

077 - Brandon’s Tattoo Tales

Brandon delights us with some of his tattoo shop adventures. The most important lesson we’ve learned today? Spellcheck is your friend!

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Dec. 8, 2021

076 - Rating British Snacks

Brandon and Sarah taste and rate some seasonal snacks, including some British treats, and do their best to alienate people by chewing loudly in their ears. *We heated the mince pies in the toaster oven - they were WAY tastier...

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Nov. 30, 2021

075 - Mike Rowe Does A Dirty Job On Your Dreams

Brandon and Sarah voice their disagreement with Mike Rowe’s “life advice” in his PragerU video that’s been airing since at least 2016. Time to take it down, man!

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Nov. 12, 2021

074 - Chris Pratt Hates Mondays

Chris Pratt is at it again, this time swiping the much coveted - maybe - role of our favorite fat feline, Garfield, in the next animated installment. Brandon and Sarah already aren’t really Pratt fans, so it’s not hard to rip...

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Nov. 3, 2021

073 - Rx Drug Names Are Weird

Brandon and Sarah talk about weird, misleading, or just plain fun prescription drug names, inspired by Brandon’s recent animation, “ZibaFlib Rx” (link below).

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Oct. 19, 2021

072 - Donut Wars

Brandon and Sarah mostly talk about donuts, and why Sarah needs to keep her hands off Brandon’s maple old fashioned. In the course of the convo, they may have solved the mystery of Brandon’s recent weight gain. "Little Tiny B...

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Sept. 28, 2021

071 - Mario Movie Casting - Why.

Brandon and Sarah share their amazing picks to voice the 2022 Super Mario Bros. movie characters, although Sarah can’t quite seem to keep her eye on the ball, and keeps casting the next live action feature. Ah, well. - Tom Cr...

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Sept. 21, 2021

070 - When Pretzels Attack

Sarah tests Brandon’s knowledge of creative sexual positions, then the dorky duo explore a hypothetical question they found on Twitter about harmless animals turning bloodthirsty. Somehow, pretzels get thrown into the mix. *S...

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Sept. 14, 2021

069 - Dafuq is Grimace?

Sarah quizzes Brandon about the Great Purple Menace (not Barney); and the two giggle over a sweet Simpsonoid prank, marvel at the stupidity of a vaccine fraudster, and debate the brilliance of Floridian shenanigans. Check out...

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Aug. 25, 2021

068 - Bridal Showers: They’re The Worst

Brandon and Sarah try out some creative excuses to get Sarah out of an upcoming bridal shower, brainstorm some unique and offensive bridal gifts, and discover a shared loathing of fabric stores.

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Aug. 17, 2021

067 - Our Favorite New Show: “Midnight Diner”

Brandon and Sarah talk about the Japanese show they discovered on Netflix, “Midnight Diner,” salivate over Brandon’s recent successful attempt at making onigiri, and Sarah tries to trick the bashful Brandon into saying a few ...

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Aug. 10, 2021

066 - Wacky Olympic Events

Brandon and Sarah look at weird - and mostly discontinued - Olympic events throughout the years. We’re talking Tug of War, Poodle Trimming, and yes, even Solo Synchronized Swimming. Olympic Trampoline Fail

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Aug. 3, 2021

065 - Losing Pets & Our New Netflix Obsession

Brandon and Sarah discuss the heartbreak of losing beloved pets, and cheer up in the second half of the episode to share their latest obsession, the Netflix survival reality show, “Alone.” We apologize for not uploading last ...

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July 21, 2021

064 - Sleepy Farts & Other Adventures

Brandon and Sarah start the episode off with a [pfft!] bang, and then recap their recent trip to Oregon and the various shenanigans they got up to. Hotel soap mishaps, explosive diarrhea, and leaky ceilings reminiscent of Tom...

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July 13, 2021

063 - We Talk About Addiction

Brandon and Sarah explore the topic of addiction based on their own personal experiences, and Sarah gripes about her withdrawal from caffeine and her precious “crack” tea, PG Tips (not a sponsor).

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June 24, 2021

062 - Evil-Sounding Celebrity Names

Brandon and Sarah come up with some celebrity names they think sound truly evil, ruining some innocent reputations in the process. Tune in and play along!

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June 15, 2021

061 - How Well Does Brandon Know SpongeBob?

Sarah tests Brandon to determine whether he’s a SpongeBob savant by showing him random stills from the show and seeing if he can identify the episode. No pressure, Brandon! (Sorry about the missed episode last week - Brandon'...

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June 1, 2021

060 - What The Heck Is ASMR?

Brandon and Sarah try to explain ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) and why it’s so cool, even though a lot of people think it’s weird. Give it a try! You might find that it soothes your anxiety and improves your sle...

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May 25, 2021

059 - Badass Female Film & TV Characters

Brandon and Sarah risk the ire of strident feminists everywhere by discussing why they: hated “Captain Marvel,” find Brie Larson insufferable, and generally lament the feminist Hollywood reboots of late. On the flip side, the...

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May 19, 2021

058 - Mispronounce Much?

Brandon and Sarah talk about commonly mispronounced words, and there are MANY. To make themselves seem less snobby, though, they share some of their own pronunciation blunders, and boy, are they embarrassing! We’d love to hea...

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May 11, 2021

057 - “The Expanse”: Sexual Misconduct and Casting Issues

Brandon and Sarah talk about Cas Anvar, aka Rocinante pilot Alex Kamal, and the sexual misconduct accusations that got him booted from “The Expanse,” and their disappointment in the recasting of the character Arjun Avasarala ...

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May 7, 2021

056 - Vladimir Putin: What’s His Deal?? (Part 2)

The Putin saga continues. Spoiler alert: He does not redeem himself, and he's still president. European Map Quiz:

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May 4, 2021

056 - Vladimir Putin: What’s His Deal?? (Part 1)

Sarah fills Brandon in on all the atrocious things Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has done, and he ain’t even finished yet. The list is long, hence the two-parter. This guy’s a real peach - he should be president for life!

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