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Aug. 16, 2020

Preview - Brandon's Burgbarian Video Game

Preview of Brandon's Burgbarian Video Game. It's so exciting to see it coming together piece by piece!

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Aug. 16, 2020

Clip - My Sassy Boss

My boss, the sassy bish. Ahem, and we have 11 subscribers now on the YT. #iftheycouldseemenow #comedypodcast #podcast From our "Extra Bits - Part 3" episode.

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Aug. 11, 2020

Episode 022 - What Did We Want To Be When We Grew Up?

Brandon and Sarah discuss the question, "What did we want to be when we grew up?" They talk about the silly dream careers as well as the more practical ones, how outside influences affected their paths, and any regrets they have from not quite "being what they wanted to be."…

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Aug. 5, 2020

Clip - "But it was fun. . ."

Childish stubbornness abounds.

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Aug. 5, 2020

Clip - "Your mom's an onomatopoeic word"

Sarah's failed attempt to insult Brandon's "mom." I mean, she really crashed and burned.

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Aug. 4, 2020

Super Bunny Man Let's Play - Versus

Brandon and Sarah try their hand at a Let's Play-Versus with the ingenious Super Bunny Man. Pink and yellow bunnies duke it out to the death, and it's adorable. Enjoy the bunny gore. Please like, comment, and subscribe!

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Aug. 3, 2020

Episode 021 - Weird Phobias That Actually Exist

Brandon and Sarah delve into some weird phobias that actually exist out there in the real world (apparently), talk about some weird phobias of their own on the list, and make fun of all of them equally.

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July 30, 2020

Animated - Episode 002: Food Injuries

Here's an animated clip from Episode 011 - Dump Lollipops, created by co-host Brandon McDonald.

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July 27, 2020

Episode 020 - Dumb Things Celebrities Have Said

Brandon and Sarah talk about: dumb things celebrities have said and play a guessing game to match up which celebrity said which dumb thing; their distaste for office buzz words ("word wanking"); cultural differences with regard to courtesy; and some weird phobias. (They also continue struggling somewhat with their new…

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July 21, 2020

Episode 019 - Horror Novels & Hypotheticals

Brandon and Sarah talk about hypothetical situations inspired by Stephen King’s “The Stand,” how the world broke their spirits and made them introverts, binging on prawn crackers, and their recent Foley and voice work for video games.

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July 14, 2020

Extra Bits - Part 3

More scrap for your enjoyment! Munchin’ slugs, cookie ASMR, spider butt-bites, and some annoyingly hashed out “would-you-rathers.”

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July 10, 2020

Bonus Mini Episode - Brandon's Funny Special Talent

Join us as we explore Brandon's funny special - and previously secret - talent. We talk about the history and background of this special talent, benefits (instant popularity), downsides (the phenomenon known as "bo"), and Sarah experiences the novel unpleasantness of being interrupted multiple times by a simulated offensive bodily…

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July 7, 2020

Episode 018 - Brandon's Making a Video Game!

Brandon and Sarah talk about Sarah’s heroic rescue of a squirrel, Brandon’s awesome video game currently in development, and Chuck Norris. We also briefly review the new animated show “Crossing Swords" and continue our awkward hunt for sponsors. Links: Chuck Norris’s batch: Drunk Guy in Liquor Store: Drunk…

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June 30, 2020

Episode 017 - Fireball!

Brandon and Sarah test their new mics and dabble in ASMR, triggering the auditorily sensitive with their candy sucking antics, including the Atomic Fireball. They tackle important issues such as the Gobstopper vs. Jawbreaker debate, banana flavored sweets, Nutter Butters (yes or no?), and they nearly come to blows over…

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June 23, 2020

Episode 016 - Keep Trump Out Of The Bedroom

Another recording from the archives (well, a couple months ago). Brandon and Sarah mock Trump, Brandon shows off his Trump and Arnold impressions (31:25, 34:00, 48:00), we talk about home remedies gone wrong, our mutual dislike of David Letterman, the pros and cons of sticking certain items up our noses,…

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June 16, 2020

Episode 015 - Favie Foods & Kissin' Butts

Brandon and Sarah choose which foods to live on for the rest of their lives and talk about whose butt they’d rather kiss: Donald Trump's or Kim Jung Un’s.

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June 8, 2020

Episode 014 - Snack Attack

Brandon and Sarah get a bit prickly with each other, but it’s all in good fun (kinda) as they discuss their favorite snacks, shoving things in forbidden places, and the ethics of kickin’ slugs.

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June 2, 2020

Episode 013 - Ghetto Donuts & Gnarly Pounders (Oh, and Pizza)

Brandon and Sarah learn why you never record on an empty stomach, as they cover pizza, treating depression with donuts (not really), pizza, other junk foods, Charlie the manic dog, pizza, horrible bathroom sprays, and pizza. (Apologies for the coughs and sniffles - we were getting over a cold.)

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May 26, 2020

Episode 012 - Optical Contusions

Hope you don’t mind something from the archives - well, from a few months ago. Brandon and Sarah talk explosive diarrhea, horrible eye injuries, and groinal mishaps.

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May 18, 2020

Episode 011 - Dump Lollipops

Brandon and Sarah talk about how they met, Brandon’s hatred of Michaelsoft, their mutual love of ASMR, duck vs. Dorito near death experiences, and Brandon’s unique experience with dump lollipops.

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May 7, 2020

Episode 010 - Scary Movies & Cool Pens

Brandon and Sarah critique “A Quiet Place” (spoilers!), discuss some other horror favorites, endorse a pen in the vain hope of hooking their first sponsor, and talk about their dorky animals.

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April 27, 2020

Extra Bits - Part 2

More extra bits! Brandon and Sarah are all over the map, talking about why dealerships suck, Sarah being difficult at Starbucks, gross bugs (again), and whether ducks have fur.

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April 27, 2020

Extra Bits - Part 1

Brandon and Sarah pluck some bits from recordings that didn't make a full episode but that we wanted to share anyway. We mostly discuss flatulence and other butt related incidents.

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April 19, 2020

Episode 009 - Inebriation, Mormons, & The IRS

Brandon and Sarah share some drunk and high stories, speculate irresponsibly about prohibited Mormon beverages, and justifiably bash on the IRS and scammers.

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